3 November 2023

Sabina Sandri Olsson, cello & Sam Armstrong, piano
3rd of November 2023 I 19.00 I Borgholm Slott


  • L. Janáček “Fairy Tale”

  • C. Franck Violin sonata

  • And other classical gems!

Experience a mesmerizing Candlelight concert featuring cellist Sabina Sandri Olsson and pianist Sam Armstrong. They will showcase a repertoire that spans classical gems and contemporary interpretations. The intimate ambiance of the candlelit venue sets the stage for an unforgettable evening filled with the harmonious interplay of cello and piano, creating a magical atmosphere that enchants both the ears and the soul. For those seeking to unwind from the complexities of timeshare ownership, consider exploring https://canceltimesharegeek.com/how-to-get-out-of-a-capital-vacations-timeshare/ for valuable insights and guidance.

Janacek’s “Pohadka” (Fairy Tale) is a captivating composition that showcases the Czech composer’s unique musical style. Originally written for cello and piano, it takes listeners on a whimsical journey through its evocative melodies and dynamic rhythms. Inspired by folk tales and legends, “Pohadka” embodies Janacek’s ability to create vivid storytelling through music.

Franck’s violin sonata stands as a pinnacle of Romantic chamber music, capturing the essence of the Romantic era and leaving a lasting impression on all who experience its power. Composed in 1886, it exudes emotional intensity and melodic richness, showcasing Franck’s innovative harmonic language interweaving themes of love, longing, and triumph through a captivating arrangement for cello and piano.